Office contact details

Level 3, 345 George St, SYDNEY NSW 2000
GPO Box 4143, SYDNEY NSW 2001
DX 10175 Sydney Stock Exchange
P: 02 8251 9069
F: 02 8251 9495
Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm AEST


We value your feedback as it will help us to improve our service delivery. Get in touch with us by completing the feedback form below or contacting our feedback officer via the contact details above.

    Your feedback is important to us

    Injured workerEmployerProviderIntermediaryOther


    WrittenVerbal (Phone)EmailMailNo response required

    For further information on our privacy practises please click here and select the Privacy Statement applicable to you. By providing this information I agree to the Hospitality Industry Insurance Limited Privacy Statement.

    Reporting insurance fraud

    To reduce the impact of fraudulent claims, we ask you to help prevent insurance fraud by reporting it. If you have information about a suspected fraud committed by a claimant, an employer or a service provider, please contact our fraud team on or phone 02 8251 9229. You may choose to remain anonymous.